Guest post by Patrick Young

It’s not always easy to find an accessible property. You might even have to move away from your hometown in order to get a place that is suitable for you and/or your loved ones. It can be hard work, but it pays off in the end. Here are some tips from the Financial Planning Group on how to make moving less stressful and more cost-effective for people with disabilities.

Advice for first time home buyers with disabilities

If you’re a first-time homebuyer, there are several things you need to take into consideration. For example, you should check your credit score, organize any paperwork your lender might need, find a good real estate agent, and determine how much you can realistically afford to spend on a new house. Keep in mind that you should also see if you’re eligible for any assistance programs to help you purchase a home or to help with modifications.

How to make the moving process easier

If you’re a home buyer with disabilities, there are some key things you need to know.

First of all, make sure the house is accessible to people who use wheelchairs or other assistive devices. Talk to your contractor and/or real estate agent about any modifications that might be necessary. You could save yourself a lot of trouble by drawing up plans for the modifications now before you buy your house.

Also keep in mind that any renovations can take a while to do, which can put you at risk of having to pay rent at two places (the new place and old place) until the renovations are finished. However, if you’re buying an accessible condo or a house that needs only minor changes, you might be able to move in before renovations are complete.

If you’re on a budget, hire professionals who can move your belongings. If you don’t have the money for movers, then try to find friends or family members to help you with the move.

If you’re moving, keep your heavy items close to an accessible entrance and use ramps wherever possible. Remember that if something is heavy and difficult to move, you’re going to have to work harder.

Moving Day Tips

Of course, no matter how much you plan, moving day is sure to be a hassle. To make things easier on yourself, try the following:

  • Start early and save up all the energy you can for that very long day of hard work.
  • If you don’t have any help, make sure to work at your own pace. Don’t let others rush you or force you to take a break when you don’t want one.
  • Keep in mind that if you’re a person who is prone to seizures or fainting spells, it’s best not to try and lift heavy objects.
  • Make sure you have a safe, accessible place to store your ramps and other heavy equipment.

How can people raise awareness about this difficult process?

There are several ways that people can help raise awareness on this subject. For example, you could:

  • Volunteer your time as a guide for the disabled who are in the process of buying a house.
  • Offer financial and/or material assistance to people with disabilities who need help with renovations or moving costs. 
  • Start a petition in your local area.
  • Promote disability awareness and education by starting a charity or community group.

In Conclusion

For many people with disabilities, buying a house can be a difficult task. However, once you find an accessible home that suits all your needs, moving day is just another step towards achieving success. With the help of family members or professionals who are experienced. Let the Financial Planning Group help with your real estate needs and more. 901-685-1600

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